Watch the replay of our interview with Roger Workman, out after serving 35 years in prison.
About our guest
My name is Roger Workman. I spent 35 years incarcerated in the Nevada prison system. 5 years ago I requested Christian Science chaplaincy services. Chaplain David responded to my request. I was at that time in a dark place, mentally and physically. My relationship with Chaplain David was the beginning of demonstrating ‘all things are possible with God’. This eventually led to my release from prison in March of 2024. With Chaplain David‘s guidance, I applied for and was accepted into the Embraced:Fully for transitional parolee support. On day one I was greeted by Greg Davis of Embraced:Fully, who provided me with a backpack of basic things and some gift cards from the Principle Foundation. I had nothing at the time, so I was very grateful for that. The Principle Foundation also helped with rent until I could get on my own. I continued to work with Chaplain David who served as my EmbracedFully mentor. We meet once a week and read the Bible lesson together. I also worked with a CS Practitioner provided by Embraced:Fully, Jeanine Lambert. Recently I was hired as the manager/caretaker of the parolee housing facility. I obtained my driver’s license and purchased a car. I found housing for my aging father near to me, and will be taking care of him. I attend the Christian Science church regularly, and 3 weeks ago applied for Mother Church membership. All this proves that with God, all things are possible.

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