Next Embraced:Fully Angel Team meeting next Thursday, March 25 18 at 6:00 pm Pacific

Helena Lopes Pgnqt0rxwls Unsplash

Join us next THURSDAY (not tomorrow night) for our monthly Angel Team Zoom call (March 25, 6:00 pm Pacific).  This is a monthly working meeting for Angel Teams, and also people interested in volunteering to either start or join one.  Angel Teams help returning community members succeed in not going back to prison or jail.

This week we’ll get a quick update on our upcoming Texas returning community member release plan.  We’ll also be discussing our pre-release questionnaire / application.  You can preview it here:

Agenda for the call:

  1. Introductions – Introduce yourself, where are you, are you currently or planning on working with any returning community members?
  2. Invite participants to share any progress updates or immediate challenges
  3. Review pre-release application and any suggestions / changes / comments etc.
  4. Confirm next meeting dates, wrap up meeting
Contact Us for an invite to our next Zoom meeting.

60%-70% of those released from prison return within 3 years.  Our mission is to help get the recidivism rate as close to zero as possible for participating Returning Community Members through direct support as well as providing training, mentorship and education for volunteers who share this goal.