We are deeply thankful for your prayerful and financial support over the past year. It’s truly made a difference in the lives of those who found Christian Science while incarcerated. This work has also blessed Angel Team participants, church members, and the broader community. We feature three stories below from Angel Team members and program participants.
Your generosity enables us to continue supporting true healing that results when returning citizens experience moral and ethical transformation that leads to spiritual freedom.
Marshall, Byron, and David after Byron’s first church service
In the past 12 months we have assisted individuals in California, Oregon, Texas, Nevada, Wisconsin, Kansas and Michigan coming out of prison to discover a warm, welcoming, and supportive church community. We’ve also helped them to find safe housing, reliable transportation, useful employment, and lasting friendships.
“While serving as a Christian Science chaplain for the Kansas Correctional Facilities I learned about Embraced:Fully which supports Angel Teams to lovingly guide and spiritually embrace those inmates upon release from prison and to spiritually put together the pieces of their lives – to be functional and active citizens who can make good and wise decisions as they move forward.
With monthly Zoom meetings Embraced:Fully makes available to the Angel Teams interviews of those previously incarcerated as they share their spiritual transformation through Christian Science and learn to turn to God for divine direction and to lovingly forgive those for the trauma in their past life.
The Angel Teams are introducing new members into our churches who accept them with open arms – just as Jesus said, ‘I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.’ (Matthew 9:13).
This exceptional organization is best expressed in Romans 12:2 – ‘Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.’”
– Bonnie Bartalos, Christian Science chaplain, Kansas City, Kansas
“I’ve been a member of Christian Science for more than 2 years. It has been a very wonderful experience. I love the outstanding teachings of Mary Baker Eddy and the things I have learned have been great. I recommend this to anyone to at least look at Christian Science and attend some of its meetings, some of the teaching lectures, and find out about it. That’s what I did. I love it. I love the people, I love my mentor. I love everyone that’s in it and they have a great understanding of the word and they have pursued this thing in my heart with me and I love it.”
– Lavelle Searcy, returning community member, Detroit, Michigan
“The team at Embraced:Fully has opened my eyes to the many ways and reasons to help incarcerated and recently released individuals find freedom “on the inside” and a future on the outside. Anyone who wants to live their faith by loving more can play a role in prison ministry. Embraced:Fully and their experienced partners generously mentor volunteers, inmates and recently released individuals with real-world wisdom. They are focused on how to support lasting personal transformation among inmates so they can uplift their community and be successful upon reentry. Also in support of reentry, Embraced:Fully assembles “Angel Teams” of volunteers, fueled by compassion and care, to share practical expertise, time, and funding. As much as this work transforms the volunteers, it is a lifeline for those trying to navigate their new life on the outside.”
– Michelle Gervais, Grant Administrator, The Principle Foundation
We are currently in the process of raising $350,000 to continue to expand and bless more people in this healing ministry.
These funds will help to:
Expand our ongoing church outreach communications and activities
Continue working with State Institutional Committees to help with chaplain recruitment, training, and outcomes
Hire a National Angel Team Network coordinator
Improve our database system
Support our 2025 national “Embraced & Empowered – Prison and Reentry Ministries Conference” to be held on May 2-3, 2025 in Washington, D.C.
P.S. If you would like to volunteer as a reentry coach, life skills mentor, or participate further in our future activities, please send us an email to let us know your interest!
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