Embraced:Fully Angel Team meeting on Thursday, May 19, at 6:00 pm Pacific – Overcoming reluctance to become a chaplain + thoughts from an “insider”

Becoming A Chaplain

Join us on Thursday, May 19, 6:00 pm Pacific for our monthly Angel Team Zoom call.  Guests are always welcome!

Agenda for the call:

  1. Introductions & Announcements – Introduce yourself, are you currently working with any returning community members (or planning to)?
  2. Regional Angel Team Updates & Returning Community Member check-ins – sharing progress, challenges, and accomplishments
  3. Discussion: Overcoming reluctance to become a chaplain + thoughts from an “insider”
  4. Homework to help us reach new people: Please make sure you Like our Facebook page and share any posts there with friends on Facebook.
  5. Confirm next meeting dates, wrap up meeting.

This is a monthly working meeting for Embraced:Fully Angel Teams across the nation, and also people interested in volunteering to either start or join one, or participate remotely.  Angel Teams help returning community members succeed in not going back to prison or jail.

Quick Links for Sharing:

Join our mailing list to receive an invite link to our Zoom meetings.

Our mission is to help organize, train, educate and enable Angel Teams across the United States to help prepare qualified returning community members for successful reentry.

Marshall, Byron, and David after Byron’s first church service
Marshall, Byron, and David after Byron’s first church service

Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to Support Embraced:Fully Angel Teams and Returning Citizens

Embraced Fully Fund
Embraced Fully Fund

↗️ Note: Please be sure to select “Embraced Fully” in the “Fund” drop-down list on the donation page.

If you would like to support the work of Embraced:Fully with a check instead of an online donation, please make it out to:

The Principle Foundation
Memo: Restricted – Embraced:Fully Project
Mail to: 10670 Barkley St, Overland Park, KS 66212-1861

View additional donation options here

Please remember to specify Embraced:Fully as the program you’d like to support.

Embraced:Fully is a fiscally sponsored program of The Principle Foundation, registered with the IRS as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, tax ID number 43-0816306.